Ballot Party FAQs

+ What do I need to host?

Anyone can host! All you need is a group of friends or colleagues interested in working together to understand their ballot. When you sign up to host, BallotReady will provide additional digital materials to help you plan your party including, including:

  • Host iteneraries and resources for sending invitations beforehand and thank-you notes to follow up
  • Pre-created and editable slides to show your guests
  • Information about BallotReady and how to use our tools

+ Can Ballot Parties be hosted online?

Yes, Ballot Parties can be hosted anywhere. In the past, Ballot Parties have been successfully hosted in offices, local bars, and living rooms as well as Zoom and Google Meet.

+ What are the minimum requirements to host?

You will need people in mind to invite, access to computers or phones to do ballot research, and a commitment to voting informed.

+ How do I get people interested in a Ballot Party?

We find the easiest way is to ask! Start a conversation, create a Facebook event, or send an email blast. Once you start the conversation, you’ll probably find that a lot of your friends are looking for an opportunity like this. Who doesn’t want to vote informed?

+ Are Ballot Parties nonpartisan?

Yes, features a free, nonpartisan voter guide to every race and every referendum. Guests of all political persuasions are invited to host Ballot Parties.

+ Do people actually vote at Ballot Parties?

BallotReady provides individualized voter guides that allow users to research, save, and share their ballot choices, which they can then bring with them into the voting booth on Election Day (or earlier, if your state has early voting).

In 2020, more states than ever are offering mail-in ballots, which could be filled in at a Ballot Party and mailed later by individual participants.

+ How do I get more involved with BallotReady?

Check out Get Involved page to learn more about partnering with us or becoming a Super Voter.